Bin Sabri Group

Gesr Al Suez – Our Factory

Allows architects create their design and walkthrough experience, panoramas of design that provides a more engagement.

Get premium quality kitchens through "Bin Sabri"

Bin Sabri is a leading combany in the field since 2017.

Feel free to contact us so we can design your ideal kitchen.

BinSabr's Gallery

On the authority of Bin Sabri

A clear vision from the first day carried by the Bin Sabri team, which is to take off the aspirations and dreams of each client from his mind and land them in reality. Perhaps the beginning of Bin Sabri was like a thousand beginnings, in a small workshop on Street 151 branching from Al-Eshreen Street in Gesr Al-Suez in Cairo. However, the Bin Sabri train did not stop much, but rather reached many stations with success and praise from many customers who had previous experience with Bin Sabri.

Bin Sabri moved his small workshop from Street 151 to Street 125 in the same area, but with a larger factory and more advanced machines to keep pace with the needs of modern customers, and to provide the best designs of kitchens of all kinds and dressing rooms, so that the success of Bin Sabri’s achievements until the opening of the large Bin Sabri factory in Companies Street at the gas station Gamal Abdel Nasser in 2020.

Bin Sabri Services

What does Bin Sabri offer of products and services? A question that was repeated a lot with the name of Bin Sabri, which echoed in the ears of many, and became synonymous with many meanings such as quality, finesse of design, accuracy of finishing, and the best prices, so that Bin Sabri would be a short and one answer to the question about the best place to manufacture your home kitchen or dressing room and bedrooms, so the answer is Ben Sabry, which is not propaganda from thousands of clients; However, it is a real experience that everyone has gone through with a dedicated and meticulous team that can produce your product for you as you want.

Bin Sabri provides its services to all customers, without exception, as follows:

-Accuracy in the preview before design and installation by raising the measurements accurately.
-Distribute devices in an optimal way to use.
-Fast delivery and installation of your product in the shortest time.
-Delivery on schedule without delay.
-Providing 3D designs that you can choose from.
-Inspection and maintenance services after sales and installation.


Get in touch with us

Heliopolis, Ard Al Golf, Beside Almaza Central.

Maadi Ring road, Inside Maadi Ring Road Mall, Before Carrefour Al Maadi

Hadaaq Al Ahram, Second gate beside Al Hoda Pharmacies

45 Bahari, Up Al kat’a Fish

Main Branch And Factory

Gesr Al Suez, Gamal Abd Elnaser Station, End of Companies street

Daily except Friday

9am - 6pm

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